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After a bit I made my way down to her treasure and started eating her.Bible Belt Bride Chapter 1She went into some pretty graphic details for me. It was all I could do to stop myself from masturbating on the spot.” Emma said.Sandy said in support, "Trust me, I've heard all about every one of her exploits."Jeff sat very still at the kitchen table, his coffee cup poised at his bottom lip, staring at the kitchen window that looked out toward the barn.If she doesn't like it, tell her boys won't ever go out with her if she doesn't learn to swallow.It was only a few minutes later that he knew he wasn't going to last any longer.Just to make it worse, Tim put the rest of the lights in the room on.And he did just that.Selena asked.Don’t worry my lovely girl; you will enjoy it I promise.Her hair was tangled and damp, she looked flushed, almost exhausted, but still she was the most beautiful sight I'd seen since I was a newlywed.Now, I think it's time we find out if you're for real or just a