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“Where’s Dakota?” I asked.Gina with her back to her friend’s apartment door.“And you’ll handle any fallout?”“Good.When I bit on her nipples hard, she would moan every time.As she slams my head down, I could feel her cock start to pulse, shooting thick ropes of cum down my throat.This first time in the club started great when we did find a girl, but it tuned out she had a boyfriend who eventually fucked Sophie right in front of my eyes.“Well?”" Ms. Simon it is too big, it doesn't fit."She couldn’t believe that her father had just defiled her, nor especially how turned on she was feeling in that moment.He gave each of them a final slap before moving on downwards.Her stomach ballooned up even though copious murky fluid leaked out the side of her stretched pussy.Reaching up, I placed my hands about her hips, guiding her into place.She began to cry again.The second play was very easy and simple.“No, I think I'll just go out like this,” she said, walking into the fo

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All that anxious energy had bled away and left me utterly drained from it.As a titanic orgasm broke over me I almost believed that it was the real Brian stretching me, thrusting and twisting remorselessly inside me, I could almost feel his breath on my face, feel his heart beating against mine, feel his skin getting slick with sweat as he fucked me. A second orgasm followed the first and I was on autopilot as I turned the toy to it’s highest setting, feeling the thrusting and twisting turning my pussy to jelly as I clamped my thighs tight around it and began pulling and twisting my throbbing nipples, my mind racing as I thought of all the things we would do together.And from the way she grinned, she wanted the same thing.Our bodies collided and I felt him grab me before I fell.He was able to take the company to the cleaners forcing them out of business and resulting in her husband taking his life.Carolina slowly pumped her hand up and down on his cock, while licking and kissing the