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With my index finger I pulled her panties to one side and with my middle finger i began to probe around her genitals.The very thought that her son’s cock was about to ram his birth channel was sending waves of excitement as well as panic.He wrapped his arms around her waist, offering needed physical support; she was still reeling from the sheer size of the crowd.You're going to listen to what I have to say, you're going to drop any notion at all about suing my family for what I shared with the woman you insult by calling your wife."As soon as Mike woke up I had to bend his ear.“I bet you would,” he said, his eyes flicking me up and down.I opened the door, seeing neither of them.I sat there quietly thinking about how lucky I was to have Janice in my life for such a long time and we had three beautiful daughters out of the deal.That's so...In fact, why don't we both put on our old high school cheer leading outfits--sans panties, of course--and give the guys a real thrill?" He cram