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She relaxed and began to tell her story “They were kept behind bars in isolation cells and we would go down there between shifts to taunt them.Her smile grew and joy burst in her emerald depths.I started.Wreathed in the purple energy, the manifestation of my will, the abjuration spirits slammed into the ground, disrupting the earth magic.Once during a call she told me that she wished she could come round during that day because she was feeling really horny and wanted to fuck my brains out!She felt her juices coating it as she rubbed it gently across her lips.I knelt down with tears streaming down my face, stinging my collar bone where he cut me. I can't help but think how I love him to treat me roughly... but not like this... not with people watching.All my women were great mothers.“Because I rather enjoy watching people suffer,” he said coldly.Sven protected me.I’m cumming again!”The ache built and built at the tip.Then we shall go to Susan’s villa and see what she does wi