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By mypenname3000“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked, I’m being nosey.The woman whirled back staring at Jake like he was crazy.It was a bit of a rush job but he told me that I was going to go with him because he wanted me to get some sun on my 27th birthday.No, usually we cooked a small bird as we were poor, so maybe an 8-9-pound bird, often Mom got a deal on a goose and that would be what she cooked.Angus sank back into the couch with a satisfied sigh, either watching TV or watching Tegan work, she wasn’t making regular eye contact so she wasn’t sure where his attention was at any given moment.That was the fourth he had downed so far.Like I did before, I sat next to Allison and hugged and kissed her for everything that she has done for me.I hear the bell ring.All the night watchman had to do was sleep in the barn with the horses in case something came up.Her breathing relaxed.With a sigh, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up.and maybe in her mouth too!She l