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I made a mental note to sit more carefully whenever anyone was in front of my table.The sensation seemed to travel through me into Kelly, making her just perfect.I smiled and laughed and said, “Yeah, heat and work will do that.”This was probably the first time she entered a major city like Netter's capital.If Olivia hadn't told me this was the stress relief I needed...He took one shot, then said, “Oh come on, a couple in love should show it.” So they both chuckled, then hugged each other, with Heather leaning her head on his shoulder.I’ve already lost track of the number of times I’ve wept since arriving in this room but that doesn’t stop me bursting into tears once more as I contemplate what just happened.Both laying there panting and all and she asked again.Darleen kissed me and said let’s take my car to the restaurant."Ok, just go through there and you'll find a row of stalls with toilets.I loved my family.Janet stood up awkwardly as her hands were still bound behind