And, not only was he fucking his nephew's mouth, but he had the full approval of the boy's father!In the kitchen she could see that he had two large wall units left to put up.For a long time we lay in a heap, my cock still in Lisa's pussy, the dido, now turned off, still up her ass, all of us unwilling to move.Say something or move, you fucking jackass?” Vic spat.Ruri gasped.She grinned at me when she finished, arching a blonde eyebrow at me.You’re obviously several steps up from my soon-to-be loser ex.” She reached up then to kiss my cheek.Single voices rise up to become a unanimous chant and multiple hands are working my cock.“Sven, you can go first.His heart palpitations were pounding loudly in my head and ears, my whole body felt like it was throbbing in time to the imprisoned Demon-Dick shooting off its steaming venom in my growing bloated belly.The second orgasm started to subside so I switched the egg off; I needed a rest.Less than a minute later Zhedd, yelled, "STOP!Af