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Ass or pussy?”This Friday as Mala came home late she was shocked to see Ravi slumped on the sofa.Less warmed up for it that she had been on the poker night and not drunk this time she fully appreciated just how thick his cock was as he fed more of it into her.No disrespect but I’ve been slapped by everyone in charge and the only one that meant a damn other than a bruise or a fat lip was him.“Don’t let the blonde looks fool you, they are actually from Kosovo though they grew up in Slovenia and far as I know Julie rescued them when they were orphaned as small children during the Balkans conflict and has sponsored them ever since.” Marge said, smiling as she recalled how much shit Julie actually got into for breaking so many rules to make sure the two children were cared for and bought up in a safe environment.“Certiok was right about you,” I said, licking her from slit to tip, then slithering up her body, “you’re the most adorable thing in the world, but you have this c

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